Sunday, January 11, 2009

Self Help: Reader's Review -How to Overcome Your Health Problems by Brent Atwater

Reader's Review:
" How is this book different from other "self-help" books? Simply put, Brent gives you all the tools and holds nothing back. I find that this in itself is unusual as many experts seem to want to "hook you in" to keep you coming back to buy something else. Not so with Brent Atwater. In my opinion, everything you need is here, you just have to start. This is a book I will always keep at hand as it's information is so valuable in everyday living while on this earth. I have personally used the tools found here to benefit myself, my husband, family and even our little rescue puppy! If you've been worried about your own health or unhappy circumstances in your life, your child's, husband's, lover's or friend's and wished you could do something, ANYTHING to affect change, than you should be reading this step-by-step manual. But be advised; the information contained here is not for the faint of heart. It is for those with an earnest desire to become an active POSITIVE participant in their own or another's life. M. Post "

Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
E mail:
Web site: