Sunday, August 26, 2007

Cancer loss of a loved one, Cancer Kids, Children with cancer bereavement Books

Brent Atwater's
Internet Blog Talk Radio: Intuitive Healing 4 Health

Date & Time: Each Wednesday broadcast at 9pm EST,
so adjust for YOUR time zone

Subject for upcoming show: 09/05/2007
Just Plain Love™ Children's Books, that turn the negatives of illness into positives! These books are doors of opportunity for discussions with Children about personal loss, grief and dealing with Cancer. These books are great Cancer rehabilitation for a child’s mind.

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Listener's Dial in number: 1-646-716-7292 USAI’ll look forward to talking with you!

Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
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